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What is craftsmanship?

It's a word you hear a lot. At Paul Downs, it has a very specific meaning. We use it to describe situations where we have a choice of how to accomplish a task, and that choice determines the quality of the outcome. In order to help our team make the right decisions, we've defined three aspects of Craftsmanship: in the Product, in the Process, and in the Person. Keep scrolling for a detailed discussion of each.

Craftsmanship in the product.

We work with a very wide variety of clients. How do we make sure that what we make matches their expectations?

Marking cut lines
•  We will always meet…

Craftsmanship in the process.

Everything we do is an opportunity to demonstrate craftsmanship. We make sure that all of our systems, processes, and interactions are as carefully considered and executed as the furniture we make.

Reviewing graphical drawing
•  We will understand who…

Craftsmanship in the person.

Craftsmanship lives within each of our team members. We hire and train for the rare combination of talent and attitude that delivers the highest quality work.

Craftsmanship in the person.
•  Craftsmanship lives in the…

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